Monday 12 September 2016

About Me

What is your name? First name, last initial please
Jenessa L

What name do you prefer to be called?

What block are you in?

What grade are you in?

What is your favourite video game(s)?
Various LoZ games mainly Twilight Princess. Also Okami, Tales of the Abyss, any Pokemon games, Sm4sh, Thief, Life is Strange, and some others.

Which video game(s) are you currently playing?

 Why did you take this class?
It seemed interesting and I needed an elective to fill block 5. It works out because I happen to like games too.

What are you hoping to learn in this class? Be specific, for example what programs or programming languages are you interested in? What about the creative side of game design?
Hoping to learn how to make games and everything inbetween. Especially making characters and the setting.

What grade are you hoping to achieve in this class?
A or high B

 How can you achieve this grade?
 Finishing all work on time and putting effort into it.

 What do you want or need from your teacher in this class to be successful?
 Lots of explanations and information

What are you interested in outside of video games?
 Music, Science, Manga/anime, MEMES

 I wish my teacher knew...
 I don't know a lot about the inner workings of games nor computers...

 Tell me something interesting about yourself.
 I like school because I can do work and be productive because I don't always do that at home lol

When they don't like contemporary art

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