Friday, 9 December 2016

Kodu Pac-Man

1. My game is actually pretty similar to the original because to win you have to get all the apples. You can knockout the Kodu by eating a green apple but it only lasts for 10 seconds. The map is basic and you get 3 lives to start with. The only things different would probably be the graphics, characters,  and the respawn point.

2. I added the 60fps because it was recommended and it did make the game a lot smoother. I added the trees so the game could run better because the code on them would not work on the other bots plus it would take a lot of work to move pages on the bots.

3. I had a LOT of difficulty finding a way to make the timer work and the lives. It took me a long time but eventually I thought about it and it worked out. Using the page system actually solved my problems really quick.

4. They told me I should probably make it smoother (60fps), change the height of the Kodu and walls, give the Cycle a glow, and turn the speed up a bit.

5. I would probably make it bigger and more challenging for the players because it is in a pretty basic state right now. I would also maybe make more paths and a different kind of power up.

Cycle codes 

Kodu codes (CPU)

 Tree 1 codes

Tree 2 codes

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